Wednesday, August 8, 2012

1st Ulrasound

I went to my 1st ultrasound! It was amazing! It started with looking at Shorty on the monitor. Shorty must've been sleeping at first because he/she wasn't moving (I totally got scared and held my breath). The ultrasound technician poked my tummy and as soon as she did, Shorty woke up! Then was moving it's head and feet like crazy! She pointed out the head and face and belly and 2 legs and feet. Didn't see any arms but they must've been hidden on the side of the belly. Sometimes it was hard to see the baby but at times, you could see baby prominently. It was emotional. I started crying. I had to tell myself that I could cry after, just to enjoy it now. The tech snapped some pics and gave me 3 to bring home. The second pic is the best. It was an amazing experience and it truly is amazing to know that a human is growing inside of me. I have indescribable thoughts that run through my mind. I sometimes have to remind myself that this is all really happening. I'm trying my hardest to stay positive and remind myself that in less than 6 months, I will have a blessing in my arms. 2 weeks til my next appointment and 4 weeks til I can find out the sex :)

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