Sunday, November 25, 2012
31 Weeks: Pineapple
Shorty is now the size of a pineapple! She's weighing in at about 3 pounds and is about 16 inches long! The 16 inches might explain the constant kicking I feel when she is awake, not much room in there! This week she has been doing a lot of pushing and holding her foot on my tummy for like 30 seconds. The craziest feeling is when she pushes on my bladder, WOW does it feel like I'm about to pee right then and there! Ha! It's official, baby is showing brain activity! And her brain will keep on getting more complex. Her eyes are forming and soon she will be opening them. She's taking breaths, too. They're of amniotic fluid, not air, but it's still good practice. She's practicing inhaling and exhaling with her rapidly developing lungs. Her lungs are mature enough that she'd probably survive if she was born now. Her hands are now strong enough to grasp a finger! All 5 senses are now in working order. One of the things that I think is very interesting is that Shorty may have turned so she’s in the head-down position by now, poised for her trip down the birth canal. At 31 weeks, baby’s birth still seems kind of far away, but baby and I are physically ready in a lot of ways, just in case there’s an early
arrival. I'm still wanting baby to be born in the beginning of February but after last weeks appointment with the doctor, that doesn't sound like it's going to happen. Doug and I went in for my 7th month check-in 2 weeks ago and my blood pressure was a little high. We are thinking because I get out work and rush over to the doctor's office to make it to my appointment on time, my blood pressure is high, so the doctor scheduled me to come back the following week to check it again. The second appointment, again, showed that my blood pressure was high. I had been checking it at home as well and it was high. The doctor is concerned about me having preeclampsia; which occurs when a pregnant woman has high blood pressure and protein in her urine. He said that I need to not eat fatty or spicy foods, drink more water, and reduce my salt intake. (I'm sure the 2 nights of fried tacos Doug and I made, Thanksgiving dinner and left overs and Aunt Beverly's amazing fudge, aren't helping). He also said that we need to have appointments every 2 weeks instead of once a month. He measured her and she was 3-4 weeks bigger than the average 29 week old baby. He said "Wow, she's big!" I know what he is talking about, she feels like she is 100 pounds in my belly!!! Haha. He said she may be developing/growing quickly, or just that she is going to be a big baby. Doug weighed 10 pounds when he was born and I weighed 6.8 pounds. So he wants us coming in every other week so he can monitor her growth. As for me, my belly feels and looks HUGE! At 31 weeks, my belly’s doing more than just making it tough to find a
comfortable sleeping position. It’s made itself a conversation piece.
It seems when I talk to people about being pregnant, it's either about my huge belly or about how I can't sleep. I've still been waking up at about 4am and then toss and turn until I have to wake up. It just feels like I'm crushing my belly. It is not fun :( By 9pm, I can barely keep my eyes open. When I get home from work, my feet are so swollen, my shoes won't fit.
It's been 30* outside and I've been wearing flip flops just so that my
feet don't hurt. My toes get so swollen they feel like they are going to
explode! You can tell when I've had a long day because I waddle. Ahhhh
the pregnant waddle! I still am constantly peeing ALL the time. I get random heartburn, even when I haven't eaten anything in hours. We won't even get into the weird dreams and pregnancy brain. She may be kicking and jabbing me a lot, but has got to be the coolest thing ever! I can even look down and see my belly move. Just to have that feeling that inside me is a baby, MY baby, doing that, is beyond words that I can't explain. If you're a mother, I'm sure you can relate. If you are male, take every chance you can to put your hand on your significant other's belly to feel your baby move. Doug puts his hand on my belly and feels her kick. It makes my heart melt. We created that baby and soon, we will be able to hold her in our arms. We have the baby shower coming up! Preparing for that has been a little stressful, but I'm sure it's going to be a great day with family and friends! Thank you everyone for the support you've been giving. It's nice to get messages from people who I didn't even know cared about me and the pregnancy. Also thank you to everyone who have given gifts. Shorty is spoiled already! Also my parents who have been footing the bill for a lot of baby items and redoing the nursery. My dad spent his 5 day weekend this past weekend installing a new window in my bedroom and in the nursery so that our rooms won't be cold this winter and I won't be sick like I was last year. And a special thank you to Doug, who has been showing that he is going to be a great father to our daughter!
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
25 Weeks: Head of lettuce
Shorty is now the size of a head of lettuce! Although she feels much smaller inside me. Yes, I said SHE! Shorty is a girl!!!! Yayyyyyyy!!!!!!!!! She is on track with size and weight. She's about 13.5 inches long and weighs about 1.5 pounds. She's starting to get her facial features and her see-through skin is becoming more opaque. At this stage, she is growing hair. I'm hoping a lot of it!
We enjoyed a nice Baby Gender Reveal Dinner 2 weeks ago. I had my Level 2 ultrasound that Wednesday. The appointment was about an hour and a half long. The tech was measuring things and taking lots of pics. She left for about 10 minutes then the Dr. came in to explain the pics. The doc said that he can not 100% say that the baby has DS but he said there are about 5 indicators and the baby only has 1. That 1 thing, is the bright spot on the heart. However, he just thinks the bright spot is 2 tissues overlapping each other and when the pic is taken, it creates a bright spot that shows up on the pics. He does not believe the baby has DS. He offered me another test that can be done where they poke a needle through my belly and take fluids from the baby so that the chromosomes can be tested but this runs a risk that the baby can be punctured and I could have a miscarriage. I declined the test. Doug and I agreed that Shorty will be here in 4 months no matter what! So, the tech said she checked out the gender of Shorty. I had her write it down on a piece of paper and seal it in an envelope. The next day the envelope was taken to the party store along with a box I made to be filled with balloons. The employee at the party store was told to fill the box with pink balloons if it was a girl or blue balloons if it was a boy. The box was then taped up and brought to dinner that night. Doug and I began opening the box after dinner...the suspense was killer! The box was opened and pink balloons came out!!! I was so happy! It was so exciting!! Doug wanted a boy, but he seemed to be happy it was a girl too. Overall, it was a great night! I already started buying girly things and the purple paint for the nursery is on the walls!
As for me, I am definitely feeling pregnant! My baby bump is growing and I started wearing maternity clothes (not as comfy as I thought they'd be). I think Shorty might be in karate because she is punching/kicking me ALL the time! When I try and sleep, she's awake and practicing her moves. Doug and I called her Kung Fo Baby! I'd say she sleeps for about 14 hours a day. I started a new job about a month ago and I am loving the consistent schedule but when I get home, I am just drained. All I want to do when I get home is sleep. About 7pm I can barely keep my eyes open. It seems like all I've been doing lately is going to work, having dinner and going to bed. These details seem to make it so much more real. I still can't believe it's already been 6 months. Before we know it, she will be here...crazy! Overall, this journey has been rough at times but also the greatest experience I've ever had. This journey will continue to be like a winding road but I know God has a plan...for all of us.
We enjoyed a nice Baby Gender Reveal Dinner 2 weeks ago. I had my Level 2 ultrasound that Wednesday. The appointment was about an hour and a half long. The tech was measuring things and taking lots of pics. She left for about 10 minutes then the Dr. came in to explain the pics. The doc said that he can not 100% say that the baby has DS but he said there are about 5 indicators and the baby only has 1. That 1 thing, is the bright spot on the heart. However, he just thinks the bright spot is 2 tissues overlapping each other and when the pic is taken, it creates a bright spot that shows up on the pics. He does not believe the baby has DS. He offered me another test that can be done where they poke a needle through my belly and take fluids from the baby so that the chromosomes can be tested but this runs a risk that the baby can be punctured and I could have a miscarriage. I declined the test. Doug and I agreed that Shorty will be here in 4 months no matter what! So, the tech said she checked out the gender of Shorty. I had her write it down on a piece of paper and seal it in an envelope. The next day the envelope was taken to the party store along with a box I made to be filled with balloons. The employee at the party store was told to fill the box with pink balloons if it was a girl or blue balloons if it was a boy. The box was then taped up and brought to dinner that night. Doug and I began opening the box after dinner...the suspense was killer! The box was opened and pink balloons came out!!! I was so happy! It was so exciting!! Doug wanted a boy, but he seemed to be happy it was a girl too. Overall, it was a great night! I already started buying girly things and the purple paint for the nursery is on the walls!
As for me, I am definitely feeling pregnant! My baby bump is growing and I started wearing maternity clothes (not as comfy as I thought they'd be). I think Shorty might be in karate because she is punching/kicking me ALL the time! When I try and sleep, she's awake and practicing her moves. Doug and I called her Kung Fo Baby! I'd say she sleeps for about 14 hours a day. I started a new job about a month ago and I am loving the consistent schedule but when I get home, I am just drained. All I want to do when I get home is sleep. About 7pm I can barely keep my eyes open. It seems like all I've been doing lately is going to work, having dinner and going to bed. These details seem to make it so much more real. I still can't believe it's already been 6 months. Before we know it, she will be here...crazy! Overall, this journey has been rough at times but also the greatest experience I've ever had. This journey will continue to be like a winding road but I know God has a plan...for all of us.
Thursday, September 20, 2012
21 Weeks: Pomegranate
Shorty is now the size of a pomegranate! About 11 inches long (11 inch pomegranate?? Yeah, I'm confused myself! Ha!) and weighs about 11 ounces. We're going to skip what details happen at 21 weeks because it all seemed a little gross! So I will substitute with pictures of baby!
Phew, it's been a while since my last blog! I've been so busy! I'm feeling a lot better, but just really pregnant now. My belly is getting bigger and Shorty thinks he/she is going to be in martial arts with it's kung fo moves it's doing in my tummy. I gained 4 pounds in 1 month, however I am still down 6 pounds from when I first got pregnant. Not to worry, I'm sure I'll gain a lot soon because my cravings are in full swing! I don't think I've ever wanted Olive Garden so bad in my whole life! Ha! We attempted to check the gender of Shorty at my 20 week ultrasound but it's legs were crossed. I say all ladies cross their legs :) Or possibly a boy...stubborn like his father :) When referring my baby with Doug, I say "your daughter..." and he says "you mean my son". Oh the battle of the baby sex! So the doctor doesn't request another ultrasound til the baby is closer to delivery, and insurance doesn't cover one just to check the gender. We were going to see how much it would cost to pay for one out of pocket. However, we heard back from the doctor about the ultrasound pics that had been taken and he requested a Level 2 ultrasound. This type of ultrasound is done to thoroughly check one area of the baby. On my last ultrasound, a bright white spot was found on the heart. The doctor said he is not concerned, however, it needs to be checked out. He explained this spot is calcium on the heart. Calcium on the heart is not a health/heart concern, it is a slight indicator of Down Syndrome. 5% of babies have calcium on their hearts. Most, when born, still have it on their hearts and they do not have Downs. Next week I have the Level 2 ultrasound scheduled and there we will find out whats going on. I'm trying not to stress over it. I have my arms open to whatever God gives me. A bundle of joy baby, is a bundle of joy baby. Everything else looked great on my 20 week ultrasound. Shorty is nestled down on my right side.The nursery room is coming along as well! All the carpet is gone, floor is prepped for new wood flooring, walls are primed and furniture has arrived and stored! Now just waiting on what color to paint the walls, then the floor will go in!
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
1st Ulrasound
I went to my 1st ultrasound! It was amazing! It started with looking at Shorty on the monitor. Shorty must've been sleeping at first because he/she wasn't moving (I totally got scared and held my breath). The ultrasound technician poked my tummy and as soon as she did, Shorty woke up! Then was moving it's head and feet like crazy! She pointed out the head and face and belly and 2 legs and feet. Didn't see any arms but they must've been hidden on the side of the belly. Sometimes it was hard to see the baby but at times, you could see baby prominently. It was emotional. I started crying. I had to tell myself that I could cry after, just to enjoy it now. The tech snapped some pics and gave me 3 to bring home. The second pic is the best. It was an amazing experience and it truly is amazing to know that a human is growing inside of me. I have indescribable thoughts that run through my mind. I sometimes have to remind myself that this is all really happening. I'm trying my hardest to stay positive and remind myself that in less than 6 months, I will have a blessing in my arms. 2 weeks til my next appointment and 4 weeks til I can find out the sex :)
Monday, July 30, 2012
14 Weeks: Lemon
Shorty is now the size of a lemon! Baby is 3.4 inches long and 1.5 ounces. I've been sleeping better but still can't stay awake past 10pm and can't sleep in past 8am. My belly has grown a little. I have to go to the bathroom allllllllll the time! Morning sickness is gone! I've lost 9 pounds since getting pregnant. But I seem so hungry all the time. My eyes are bigger than my stomach because when I eat, I can only eat about half of what I used to eat. I guess losing weight now is ok because the Doc says I'll gain 15-30 pounds. I am craving hot dogs, french fries and onion rings so bad!
At 14 weeks:
At 14 weeks:
- Baby is probably sucking his/her thumb and wiggling his/her toes in there!
- His/her kidneys are making urine, and his/her liver and spleen are doing their jobs, too.
- And he's/she's growing lanugo, a thin, peach-fuzz-like hair, all over his body -- it will help him/her keep warm!
Saturday, July 21, 2012
12 Weeks: Plum
Shorty is now the size of a plum! A plum is purple, right? Maybe a sign it's going to be a girl?!?! I hope so! Haha. I just got back from a week long vacation in Florida to spend time with family, so week 11 was skipped. At week 11, Shorty was the size of a lime...sounds so cute :) I can't wait for all this morning sickness to be done. 1 more week of my 1st trimester and then hopefully that will be all over. But I've read that will be replaced with headaches and dizziness. I can feel Shorty...I think. There is sometimes a sharp pain in one spot, I just assume that is Shorty growing :) We keep getting closer and closer to our 1st ultrasound! Yay!
At 12 weeks:
- Most of her critical systems are fully formed!
- She's about to enter the growth and maturation stage, in which her organs and tissues will grow and develop rapidly.
- She's now developing her reflexes -- if you poke her body, she'll likely move.
- She's opening and closing her fingers and curling her toes, too.
- Her brain is developing fast!
- She is 2.1 inches long and weighs about .49 ounces
Friday, July 6, 2012
10 Weeks: Prune
Shorty is now the size of a prune! Not the greatest thing to compare in size, but that's what the website says! I've been so tired lately and haven't had much motivation. The morning sickness isn't helping either. But, baby is growing LOTS! I can even feel these pains which I know are coming from the baby. The doc says Shorty is even kicking now. Shorty is 1.2 inches long and .14 oz. Her body length will double in the next three weeks.
At 10 weeks:
At 10 weeks:
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
We Got To Hear The Heartbeat!
Today, was my 1st prenatal appointment. We got to meet Dr. Meyer, who has 2 offices and delivers at Good Shepard Hospital. Doug's mom is a nurse there, so obviously, this is the hospital we chose. Dr. Meyer was fast and got to the point. I had the basic exam and then he put that cold gel on my tummy and ran the machine over it to find where the baby was. It took him about a minute to find the baby. But as soon as he did, you could hear Shorty's heart beating SO fast! WAY faster than an adults. It was the most amazing thing, I think, I have ever experienced. To hear that a human was growing inside of me, makes me speechless. I will remember that sound for the rest of my life. Words can not express that experience. After that, the Dr. talked to us about what I should and shouldn't do and what I shouldn't eat and drink. He said to back off Pepsi :( Rough Doc! Then he determined that Shorty will arrive right around January 26th 2013. Mark your calendars! He determined that by my last period. However, I know I didn't get pregnant then, so my guess is that Shorty will be born the first week of February or later. But we will go with what the Doc says and instead of my assuming I am 8 weeks, he bumped it up to 10 1/2 to 11 weeks. So I am going to count last Friday as 10 weeks and this Friday as 11. When the appointment was over, we set up another appointment in 2 weeks for our 1st ultrasound :-D EXCITING!!!!! After the appointment, I went to the lab to get some blood drawn to find out what blood type I have, etc. I am continuing to have morning sickness just about every morning. It's not fun....AT ALL! But I feel 100% better when it's all done. I lost 6 pounds between when I had blood drawn to see if I was pregnant and todays appointment. I have been eating less, but it's because I haven't been hungry. But those cravings are coming on! I feel more mellow than usual and am way more tired than usual. Well, I'm off to bed, I have a lot of 4th of July festivities to do tomorrow. Check back soon for Week 10 updates!
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
8 Weeks: Raspberry
Shorty is now the size of a raspberry! WOW! Now able to weigh in on the scale at a total of .04 ounces! Growing a millimeter a day! Heart beating at 3 times the speed of any adult. Morning sickness is in full swing!
At 8 weeks:
7 Weeks: Blueberry
Shorty is now the size of a
blueberry! WOW! My .51-inch embryo doesn't exactly tip the scales just
yet but she's developing like crazy. She's already doubled in size
since last week. Yes, "it" is currently a girl at this moment, so we
call it she. I hope it stays a girl
At 7 weeks:
At 7 weeks:
Welcome To Our Pregnancy/Baby's Website!
a moment and let it all sink in, I am still doing the same! Doug and I
have known that we are expecting for about 1 month now (Since Memorial Day). We found out a
little earlier than normal. I went into the doctors to get my blood
drawn to see if my home pregnancy tests were correct. Sure enough, within
24 hours the doctor had called back with the news, that yes, I am
pregnant. In between the time I took 2 home pregnancy tests and actually
going to the doctor, Doug and I celebrated the news by having a nice
dinner at Maggiano's. Doug and I sat at that table and talked about the
future and what we needed to do next. We were scared and happy all at
the same time. Two days later, I told my mom that I needed to go to the
doctor because I thought I'd might be pregnant. She was speechless!
Shocked! Two days pass and we get my shot. The weekend passes, and then
comes the time to tell my dad. I'm sure you are feeling just as scared
about his reaction, as I was. I had let a couple of friends in on the
little secret so they flooded me with prayers and encouragement. Thanks
friends!! So the time came to tell him...Dun Dun Dun Dunnnn!!! I told
myself I'd tell him as soon as he comes home from work. He comes home
from work, "Let's eat dinner." I think to myself, ok maybe now isn't
the right time. Ok I'll tell him during dinner. Dinner passes. We came
across a perfect segway into me telling him. I blurted it out. He says,
"No you're not." I said "Yes, I am." He said, "No, you're not." I said,
"YES....I am!" He said "Are you serious?" *serious face on now* "Yes, I
am." He lets out a BIG puff of air, gets up, pulls me up from my chair,
hugs me, starts crying, squeezes me tighter, starts balling, I start
balling, no words said for about 5 minutes, him still hugging me, pulls
away and says, "Well, Congratulations, I know you are going to be a
great mother." PHEW! Big sigh of relief. Never would've expected it to
go that way. We continue to talk about it for 30 minutes. Then it was
off to tell Doug's family. That went exceptionally well as well. His
mom, just like mine, was shocked and didn't have much to say. Then Doug
called his sister in Philly to tell her. She said "Ohhhhhhhhhk." I came
to realize this will be the reaction of most people. I am ok with that. I
did the same thing too! Over the next couple of weeks, Doug and I have
hit some bumpy roads. I'm not going to go into any details of our
relationship. I want to keep this site to as much about the baby, as we
can. What I can say is that, Doug and I are working on our options for
the future and plans for what is best for Shorty. If you see the word
"Shorty", that's what I have been calling the baby. It was created as a
code name. Today, not many people know about Shorty yet. I created the
site today, in hopes to get the memories written down. I love that I
write this and know people may not even see it for a couple of more
weeks. I hope this site gets filled with many, many more of the memories
that are ahead of us. This site is meant to provide our family and
friends from all across the world, access into our journey of baby
Shorty. Thank you for the support and advice of people who we have
spoken to about this. You know who you are. I have plenty of more to
talk about, like how difficult it is to find a doctor or how about I
experienced my first morning sickness this morning and how it was
torture, or how if it's a girl everything will be purple or if it's a
boy everything will be turquoise blue, but I am exhausted and ready for
bed! Hope you come back for more updates!
Jeremiah 29:11 - For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
Lots of love,
Jeremiah 29:11 - For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
Lots of love,
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